(all post cards)

Plaza de la Rinconada and its fountain designed by Pedro Monje: 

Los colosos (The Colossi)

Iglesia de Santa María Magdalena, 16th C

Iglesia de San Benito, early 16th C

Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

constructed from 15th to 18th C

Valladolid was the capital of Spain under Felipe II until he designated Madrid as the capital in 1561. Construction then halted on the cathedral at the end of the 16th C before resuming many years later.

Palacio de Santa Cruz, Universidad de Valladolid

​(constructed at the end of 15th C)

Iglesia de San Pablo (15-16th C) & Palacio de Pimentel (15th C)

​Felipe II was born in this palace.

Iglesia de Santa María La Antigua

(construction began in the 12th C)

After the reconquest of this part of northern Spain, called Castilla (Castile) in the 11th century, the area was repopulated by Alfonso VI. Valladolid grew in size and importance over the following centuries. Kings were crowned here and the royal court was stationed here at times. In 1241 the University of Valladolid was founded, the third oldest in Spain and one of the first universities in Europe. There are now 30,000 students over seven campuses.

Valladolid is truly one of my favorite Spanish cities due to its historical significance. Not only were Ferdinand and Isabel married here in 1469, but Carlos II and Carlos III were also born here. The city hall and Plaza Mayor are shown at left.
