Panteón de la Duquesa de Sevillano (c 1882-1916)

Palacio de la condesa de la Vega del Pozo

(c 1887 ; expanded 16th C structure) 

Convento de los Carmelitas de San José

(c began 1625)

Church of el Carmen (17th C)

(and former Convento Carmelita de los Santos Reyes)

Calle Mayor

Church of the Remedios (c 2nd half of 16th C)

Plaza of the Civil War Fallen

Church of San Ginés

(c 1561 and left unfinished in 1566)

Don Álvaro de Figueroa y Torres-Sotomayor, 1st Count of Romanones, Grandee of Spain

Río Henares

Moorish bridge built on Roman foundations

City Hall

(c 1906)

Palacio del Infantado of the Mendoza family

(c late 15th C; remodeled mid 16th C)
